Save the video stream from your camera using OpenCV

Save the video stream from your camera using OpenCV

OpenŠ”V offers great opportunities when working with video and images. For example, saving streaming video from a video camera in real time. All examples were written for OpenCV version 3.4.2 Example on python3.6.5: import cv2 # function video capture cameraCapture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # rame rate or frames per second fps = 30 ...

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How to find out which processor is used in Linux-machine

How to find out which processor is used in Linux-machine

1. Vendor and model of the processor: $ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vendor | uniq endor_id    : GenuineIntel 2. Find the model name that can be used: $ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | uniq model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7100U CPU @ 2.40GHz 3. The lscpu command give our...

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Linear Regression with python and Scikit-learn

Linear Regression with python and Scikit-learn

Scikit-learn is a wonderful software package for performing various computations in the field of machine learning. Let us consider the calculation of the linear regression. An equation Simple Linear Regression (SLR) have a view: SLR models also include the errors in the data or residuals (y - Y). Residuals are basically the differ...

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