A WASM-code possible to write different ways. Exist excelent application EMScripten that convert code from C++ or Rust to WASM, but in Rust enviroment possible convert Rust-code with help wasm32-unknown-unknown compiler. In this Article I'll show simple example "Hello World" on the Rust and how to run this code with ...
Read More →In my previous article, I wrote how is possible to send commands from Linux to Arduino. There is one more possibility of communication of Linux and Arduino, this program CuteCam, it is available in the repositories of Ubuntu and other Linux-distro. This program looks like this: Working with him is very simple. We indicate the desi...
Read More →Arduino boards with a USB port (some boards do not have a USB port) already have a USB-UART converter based on the CH340 or FTDI chip, or ATmega, etc. The USB bus of these chips is connected to the USB port, and the UART bus is connected to TX and RX outputs board Arduino. All you need to do to operate the Arduino board as a USB-UART converte...
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