Sometimes loading compiled vue.js bundles takes a long time, in such case it makes sense to set gzip compression. To do this, need to install webpack CompressionPlugin, after this in the file vue.config.js: const CompressionPlugin = require("compression-webpack-plugin"); configureWebpack: { plugins: [ new Com...
Read More →OLED I2C display have a 4 pins: GRD, VCC, SCL, SDA. These pins connect to Arduino in the following way: OLED I2C Arduino Uno Arduino Nano Arduino Mega GND GND GND GND VСС 5V 5V 5V SDA A4 A4 20 SCL A5 A5 21 ...
Read More →In the third part I will write how to create the form described in part II in the frontend. All code is available in the git hub repository. Create Vue.js project: vue create gcode_frontend Vue.js has two beautiful UI-frameworks (there are many more, but these are my favorites). Vuetify and Bootstrap-Vue, Vuetify for build ...
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