Installation Julia Language to Ubuntu

Installation Julia Language to Ubuntu

1. Download last version (you can look last version on the page wget 2. Extrat the downloaded archive tar zxvf julia-1.9.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 3. Adding Julia to system path nano ~/.bashrc 3....

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Postgresql, create database

Postgresql, create database

sudo -u postgres psql postgres=# CREATE DATABASE test_database; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# CREATE USER test_user WITH password 'qwerty'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# GRANT ALL privileges ON DATABASE test_database TO test_user; GRANT # drop database postgres=# DROP DATABASE test_database; DROP DATABASE  

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Django ORM. Comparison operations.

Django ORM. Comparison operations.

  Mathematical notation ORM Greater than > __gt Greater than or equal to => __gte Less than < __lt Less than or equal to  =< __lte Equal = =  

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